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Testimonials from my amazing clients!

Lucy, a field trial Labrador Retriever was a ball of energy when the Wilkinson's called me for help.  She was over the top full of drive and stamina and was just too much to deal with at 4 months old.  What Lucy needed was mental stimulation.  She got walked plenty, more than most dogs, but her brain craved stimulation.  Putting her under a consistent training schedule based on positive reinforcement training with food reward (she has excellent food drive, even for her kibble) and within a week was already relaxing more.  Three months later and she's a rockstar. 




We are thrilled beyond words with our Lucy at 7 months old. What a huge difference using your training techniques have made in less than three months! It's paying off big time - our children are really enjoying her and we get loads of compliments. Thank you!


Mark Wilkinson, Dunlap

Mary and her dog Scruffy, a fiery terrier mix that wasn't too happy about me the first time we met.  After a few visits to the house Mr. Scruffy and I became good friends.  Our quick bond came from training, definitely not love, but now we get that too as a product of trust.  At the time of this testimonial Scruffy is allowing new people into the home without constant barking and nipping when given the chance.  That was not possible just two months ago.  He improves because of a great owner and proper training carefully devised for him.

Working with a professional and compassionate dog trainer is one of the best experiences I've had in a long time. Scruffy is responding and becoming a better dog every day and I am becoming a better owner. His background of abuse and who knows what else is giving way to love. Adopting a rescue dog is not always an easy path but if one is willing to mix a lot of love with respect and understanding (those last two come right from the trainer) marvelous transformation is possible. Thank you Bob Quinn for your patience and expertise and kindness. You are a gift from God.

Mary and Scruffy

Aneta called me about her daughters Dalmatian Roxy, who became depressed after the daughter went off to college.  She was also reactive towards some people and certain dogs on walks, not to mention liked to pull her owner on those walks.  Roxy needed someone to replace her mom and that's where I stepped in to help Aneta understand Roxy's needs and fulfill that hole in her life.  A few short sessions later and Roxy was back in full stride at home, performing new "tricks" and loving the engagement she was getting.  Looking forward to more sessions with Roxy in the future, she is a really nice dog!

‘Nobody gets hugs and kisses from Roxy like Bob does at the front door as training means fun, games and treats !!!  And I now much better understand and appreciate her.’

Aneta and Roxy

Veronica and Casper, one of my favorite clients to date.  The first session lasted 3.5hrs and at the end Veronica told me she was determined to succeed and she did not disappoint.  Training takes dedication and Veronica has dedicated a good portion of her life over years to training Casper.  Some of the success came easy, so not so much.  Through it all Casper is on his way to being an official working dog help families cope through tough times.  I couldn't be more proud of this awesome duo!  Great job both of you!

Bob not only provided me with an enormous education on dogs in general, but he taught me how to be in control of mine.  Through his patience, guidance and training expertise, my relationship with my dog has done a 180 degree turn in the right direction!  I have forged a bond him that I never knew could exist.  Thank you for making us a great team, Trainer Bob! 


Veronica & Casper 

Camille called with a typical case of "my dog is crazy and I don't know what to do."  Mia, a small terrier mix, had two issues: Anxiety and pinned up energy without an outlet.  Owner knowledge got us on the right track to success and once Camille knew how to handle her dog we saw great progress!  Mia is a rock star!!!  I said on day one she was a "diamond in the rough" and she easily proved that with some trick training that gave an outlet for her energy and built both communication and a solid relationship with Camille built on quality training.  Looking forward to their future together!

Bob is absolutely fantastic!!! I have a VERY athletic dog and when meeting new people her athleticism turns into anxiety and couldn’t help but feel anything but helpless. It got to the point that it would make me anxious, and our walks or time outside would be very short. I talked to my vet about it and they referred me to Bob! He is so knowledgable and patient with both my pup Mia and myself. After a few weeks she was a completely different dog! Walks became enjoyable again and she learned a few tricks along the way. Bob not only helped Mia with her anxiety, but helped build a stronger relationship between us. We both love Bob and are grateful for everything he has done. It is incredibly easy to see how compassionate and dedicated Bob is about his profession.

Thanks again, 

Camille and Mia

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